Strategies to be relevant to your consumer

You want to increase your audience and that will be faithful but you don’t know how? Learn to be relevant to your consumer, in this paper we show you how to do it step by step.

In many cases, we found an unexpected reality. We have worked in our company to be present in the new technologies and we hope that our consumer will recognize us and thus our revenues go increasing. However, we often fall into the misuse of new marketing tools, because we unknown the right way to use them and we make mistakes that bring unexpected results. In this text we will learn strategies for become our company in the most important to our consumers.

Surely you’ve heard about the concepts which we will approach in this text and may be you have used any of these tools on some occasion. How was that experience? If your answer is positive, congratulations, it is more likely you have used these tools properly. Conversely, instead of, if your answer was no, read on, because you will learn how to create appropriate quality content, using tools such as branding and branded content. Thus, you can create a consumer relevant content that will lead to the desired result: a brand or company to be relevant to your client, at the forefront and get more revenue.

The branding is just building the brand identity. However, while this seems simple in this way, it is not. It is the essential part in the process of creating quality content. If we don’t properly define what we want to convey our brand, we cannot continue with this process, it will be impossible to prove to our customers that our brand is the best market for them. To find the brand identity that will need to perform, it’s necessary to do an analysis and find the message you want to convey: today a brand rather than trying to sell a product is to sell feelings, a series of concepts that the client is able to identify with a brand and achieve an emotional connection. Once established your brand identity, you have to create content that is relevant to the consumer.

The branded content as a tool to create content

To ensure that your client has that emotional connection with your brand, we have a very valuable tool: the branded content. This advertising strategy is not new; in the 50’s most television programs were produced by different brands and wore the name of these. A clear example of branded content is “Popeye”, a result of issuing these adventures was that in USA the consumption of spinach increased by 33%. Currently advertising marketers have taken up this ancient technique and have transformed to these new times. One problem of it is that is not yet well defined and sometimes branded content is considered a subliminal advertising technique that tends to the illegal. However, there is no doubt that it is an infallible technique when creating content and a good use can generate very good results.

How to use?

Today, thanks to new technologies is quite affordable to produce a series or program itself. The media have increased, not only have the television or radio, we have the entire web to promote us. The type of promotion will depend on our purchasing power as well as on what we want to transmit to our consumers. What we must offer by the branded content is a unique experience. To do this, many brands have resorted to an amount of productions realized by their brand. These productions are often related with the brand identity. An example of this is Volvo, which produced “The route”, where the protagonist Robert John Downey Jr tastes the driving experience.

The content creation techniques we have discussed in this text will help your brand to be popular among consumers. Customers will recognize the brand identity and they will identify with it, resulting in loyalty clients.

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