Brands, distributors of experiences

Llevar el contenido de marca al siguiente nivel: Aprovechando las plataformas móviles

The aim of the brand has changed, now brands, more than anything, are distributors of experiences. How can our brand also do this?

According to a research realized by Citigroup and Interbrand, companies that have based their business on brands in the last fifteen years, have achieved better results than average. It may soon all be a brand. Thanks to advances in information technology, one may hold instantly and anywhere in the world, all information about brands. The products will become only a means to facilitate the customer experience and ensure that these are getting better.

Infoadex, a leader in the control and research in the advertising industry in Spain, has released a study on advertising investment in this country in 2012. These data indicate that the entire market fell by 9.9%. The mainstream media are those that have suffered the greatest loss about 15.8%, including television, while unconventional means fell by 5%. Internet is positioned above the first half diaries, leaving behind the TV, and has a drop about 2.1%.

This study demonstrates that advertising is changing. Now companies not only publish their ads on TV, radio or newspaper, but do so via the Internet, newsletters, mobile marketing, etc. Broadcast media advertising have changed as well as the same publicity. It is not about teaching the public the value of our product or service we offer them, but to transmit our branding and make them part of it.

How to distribute experience through branded content?

The experience of a mark must be:

  • Consistent: it has to provide a consistent experience.
  • Deliberate: we must keep in mind that this experience will mark our client; you must specify what impact we want to generate in them.
  • Distinctive: will help us compete with other brands.
  • Superior: for the experience meets the expected value for the customer, from the basics, to the expected, desired and ultimate.
  • Loyal: with creating a higher confidence in the consumer with our brand we will obtain increase the satisfied public.

We have to consider three aspects to building a brand experience:

  1. Experience. This has to be according to what the brand represents and our public
  2. Appearance. Product design influences the customer experience.
  3. Communications. The communication of the experience must be performed by the most appropriate means to her.

The biggest secret to success in the new landscape of brand advertising is to understand that the new consumers are more attached to the experiences and stories than to the products themselves, so we need to generate content with this clear purpose.

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